Jennifer Mason Consulting

Select Publications

Select Publications

Jennifer Mason


"Innovation Drivers in Higher Education: Insights from Education Leaders around the Globe." With Maryclaire Aboud. Amazon Web Services, 2023.

“The Learning Crisis in Lao PDR: Challenges and Policy Priorities.” With Angela Demas and Emiko Naka. Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2018.


Understanding the Changing Market for Professional Master's Programs: An Introduction for Deans and Other Academic Leaders. Washington, DC: EAB, 2015.


Developing Academic Leaders: Cultivating the Skills of Chairs, Deans, and Other Faculty Administrators. Washington, DC: EAB, 2011.


Engaging Faculty in Online Education: Rightsizing Incentives and Optimizing Support. Washington, DC: EAB, 2010.


Hardwiring Student Success: Building Disciplines for Retention and Timely Graduation. Washington, DC: EAB, 2009.


Meeting Student Demand for High-Touch Advising: Strategies and Implementation Tools to Elevate the Student Experience. Washington, DC: EAB, 2009.


Breakthrough Advances in Faculty Diversity: Lessons and Innovative Practices from the Frontier. Washington, DC: EAB, 2008.

Unlocking the Value of Boards and Other Volunteer Groups. Washington, DC: Advisory Board Company, 2007. 


Fostering and Sustaining Commitment from Principal Donors. Washington, DC: Advisory Board Company, 2006. 

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